

Geographical Indication HARIMA
GI HARIMA - Geographical Indication HARIMA


Product Specifications for Geographical Indication (GI) “Harima” Sake

On March 16th of 2020, “Harima” was designated as a geographical indication (GI), a name to be used on products that correspond to a specific geographical location of origin, helping Japan protect regional brands of agricultural products and foods.

What is the geographical indication (GI) system for sake?

The geographical indication (GI) system for sake helps to properly promote the area of origin for products, which is communal property of the region. For production areas, it helps to differentiate “regional brands” from other types of sake, and for consumers, it helps with selecting the appropriate “regional brand products.”

Geographical indications (GI) for sake help to indicate

“the correct production area” “quality that meets certain standards”

when selecting sake.

Raw materials, manufacturing methods, and more for GI “Harima” sake

Raw Materials
  • The rice and koji rice used should be made exclusively from Yamada Nishiki rice harvested in Hyogo Prefecture (cultivated and harvested from seeds qualified by the main agricultural seed production ordinance [Hyogo prefectural ordinance No. 31).
  • The water used must be collected from within Harima.
  • No sugars or sweeteners can be used.
(Note) “Qualified by the main agricultural seed production ordinance (Hyogo prefectural ordinance No. 31)” means that the produced seeds have been examined to confirm they are qualified as the encouraged cultivar.
Manufacturing Methods, etc.
The sake must be brewed, stored, and packaged in Harima.